Report Approval Form

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have checked that this report meets Certex requirements and you approve/not approve this report as Certification Manager. Refer to the Mgmt Checklist - Approval on OneHub for details.

Name of the entity/entities | Sites | Description of services/activities

risk/complexity | effective number of personnel

Spelling, grammar | Format/ layout | Paragraph numbering etc

Information to show whether or not all requirements are met | Information to show the audit plan was followed | Evidence of what was sighted eg dates, references, results etc

Made a clear recommendation | Supported recommendation with findings | Shown good judgement and reliability

Situation described (context, circumstances etc) | Processes (inputs, activities and outcomes defined, integrated QSE) | Risks (difficulties in achieving intended outcomes) | Controls (procedures, training, audits/checks, testing, responsibilities, supervision etc) | Effectiveness (outcomes monitored, objectives met etc)

If no NC, answer NA

If no NC, answer NA

If no NC, answer NA

Non-conformance/corrective actions | Internal audits | Management reviews | Objectives | Improvements

Is legal compliance demonstrated? If not, has a plan been implemented? | Have required personnel attended the Closing meeting?

Report Not Approved Form

Complete this form to update Certex Admin on the status of a report that is not approved and needs to go back to the auditor for changes/more information.

Please give an outline of why the report is going back to the auditor and what they (or admin) need to address. Or, please outline the steps taken with the auditor to resolve issues in the report.